Natural Udder Care Technology

Newly Invented Bovine Teat Dip Solution for Natural Udder Care Using Nano Biotech Polymer

Bovine Mastitis is a disease to be one of the most frequent and costly diseases in the dairy industry. Preventing Mastitis and producing raw milk containing a limited number of Somatic Cell counts (SCC spikes up with Mastitis) is a big challenge for the dairy industry to keep up the Quality(Fat) and Quantity of the milk. The incidence and impact of Mastitis can be reduced by implementing preventive measures such as disinfection of the udder, milking equipment, and animal housing areas. We have developed teat dips using our Natural Udder Care Technology to minimize or prevent Mastitis in dairy cattle.

We conducted comprehensive studies per the guidelines and protocols stated by international organizations to test Germicidal / Antimicrobial behavior and the field efficacy of our technology against different bacteria, such as E.Coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus agalactiae, causing Mastitis. Both in-vitro and in-vivo studies show our technology and its product lines have high efficacy against gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial strains. And the results from field trials are very much more promising than competitive products and solutions.


1.  What is Mastitis?

Mastitis is the Intramammary infection of the mammary gland caused by microorganisms, usually, bacteria, that invade the udder, multiply and produce toxins that are harmful to the mammary gland.

                      1.1      Types of Mastitis

Clinical Mastitis — visible signs of Mastitis, which include

  • Mild signs — flakes or clots in the milk may have slight swelling of the infected quarter.
  • Severe signs — reduced secretion of milk, red, hot, swollen udder; cow may have a fever, rapid rise in pulse, loss of appetite, dehydration, and depression; death may occur.

Subclinical Mastitis — no visible signs of the disease.

  • However it is present in most dairy herds. Bacteriological culturing of milk detects bacteria in the milk. The somatic cell count (SCC) of the milk is increasing. It causes dairy farmers the most significant financial loss through lowered milk production.

For every clinical case of Mastitis, there will be 15 to 40 sub-clinical cases.

                      1.2     Facts about Mastitis and its economic loss

  • Teat sphincters remain open for 25-30 min post milking, where the pathogens enter the teat canal from the polluted environment. They settle in the udder and eventually cause Mastitis.
  • On average, each case of Mastitis causes an estimated loss of around 225 USD. Annual loss due to Mastitis is 2 Billion USD in the US, 1.5 billion USD in Europe, and 2.2 billion USD in India.

                      1.3     Treatment

Antibiotics Therapy  Common antibiotics like Pencilin derivatives and the Cephalosporin group of antibiotics are used to treat udder infection.

NSAID (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are widely used as supportive therapy for the treatment of acute Mastitis. Meloxicam, flunixin meglumine, and ketoprofen have been used as treatments.

                      1.4   Prevention

  • Teat hygiene management includes proper housing management, effective teat preparation, and disinfection with germicidal teat dip for clean milk production, teat health, and disease control.
  • Prompt identification and treatment of clinical mastitis cases, including using the most appropriate treatment for the symptoms.
  • Dry cow management, where cows have dried off abruptly and teats are cleaned very carefully before antibiotics are administered, including the use of teat-end sealants. 
  • Culling chronically affected cows that become impossible to cure represents a reservoir of infection for the whole herd.
  • Regular testing and maintenance of the milking machine with regu
  • lar, recommended teat cup liner replacement and milking machine servicing, and attention paid to items that must be checked on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Good record keeping   all aspects of mastitis treatment, dry cow therapy, milking machine servicing, Somatic Cell Counts and Bactoscan results, and clinical mastitis cases record

                      1.5    Diagnostics

Identifying the pathogen causing the mastitis infection is essential because different categories of pathogens require different mastitis management strategies. Without taking the time to determine a diagnosis, there is no way to provide appropriate treatment.

Udder Care Product

MammaryO (Nanobio post teat dip)

MammaryO, an udder care product, more specifically, a post-dip solution is a thin Nano bio liquid foam covering and protecting the cow teats as a barrier from lateral bacterial infection. The post-dip coat is stable until the next milking, easily washable, and biodegradable.

            AOAC 960.09 for MammaryO (American Standard)

This test most commonly used with teat dips is the AOAC International Method (960.09) – Germicidal and Detergent Sanitizing Action of disinfectants. The product sanitizing efficacy is demonstrated in 99.999 % (5 log ) reduction and MammaryO, Post teat dip solution log reduction percentage >99.99% (or 4 logs) against the 3 tested species (E.coli, K.pneumoniae, and S.aur

            EN 1656 & EN 1657 for MammaryO (European Standard)

This European Standard EN 1656 is a Quantitative suspension test for evaluating bacterial activity. EN 1657 specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptic products used in the veterinary area that forms a homogeneous, physically stable preparation when diluted with hard water or in the case of ready-to-use products with water. The EN 1656 standard uses three obligatory bacterial species for mammary gland test disinfection products: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus uberis. For general disinfectant products, it uses Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus Vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus hirae, whereas EN 1657 standard uses Aspergillus brasiliensis and Candida albicans for fungicidal and yeasticidal test respectively. 

The log reduction in viable cell number for the test strains conducted under guidelines of EN 1656 and EN 1657 is shown in Tables 5 & 6, respectively. The Post teat dip achieved a log reduction of 5(>99.999) within 5 minutes of treatment against three obligatory species and more than 5(>99.9999) log reduction within 30 minutes of treatment against all other species for EN 1656. Furthermore, the post-teat dip achieved a log reduction of 4(>99.99) against Aspergillus brasiliensis and Candida albicans for EN 1657. These results proved the more long-lasting effect of the Ariviya Udder Care Product.

Summary & Conclusion

Preventing bovine Mastitis is a big challenge for the dairy industry. Hence, new nanobiotechnology-based udder care product (MammaryO) is utilized to enhance pure milk and increase milk production.

It is also necessary to conduct in-vitro studies to know the proof of the concept of the prevention of bovine mastitis infection, which involves different pathogens. The germicidal activity of udder care products has been carried out by a well diffusion method. The inhibition zone around the well was measured and expressed as inhibiting the growth of a given strain of bacteria, which is a good sign of the germicidal activity of Ariviya udder care products and other competitive products.

The sanitizing efficacy of udder care products demonstrated 99.999 %. Interestingly it is required for germicidal products. The European Standard(EN 1276) specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for bactericidal activity. The test of AOAC International Method 960.09 has been adopted against teat dips solution, which provides germicidal and detergent sanitizing action of disinfectants. The product efficacy shows>99.999% (or 5 logs 10) and >99.9999% (or 6 logs 10) against the S. aureus. for the 60s and 300s, respectively. 

Further, the field trial was conducted for udder care products in a dairy farm using NMC’s split herd method, which housed 479 cows. A Natural Exposure Trial was conducted and modeled on the NMC protocol. There was a drastic reduction in the SCC, evidenced by the mean value of 4.8 Lakh/mL to 3.6 Lakh/mL as the mean value in the specific period, indicating a gradual rise in milk quality.

A shelf life study has been conducted of udder care product against the mastitis-causing pathogen. The product (MammaryO) is validated by testing the germicidal effectiveness. It is necessary to understand product efficiency. The in-vitro analysis of the udder care product’s cell viability against standard L929 cell lines was analyzed using MTT assay. The Inhibitory concentration value 50 (IC50) of MammaryO shows 80.3 µg/ mL viable cell, which proved no cytotoxic effect.

HPLC has been carried out to enumerate the amino acids in udder care product. The result shows that these amino acids act as building blocks for protein synthesis. Hence, udder care products perform as germicidal but also help nurture the skin and maintain health. GC-MS has carried out the qualitative and quantitative information of the compounds in udder care products, and the result shows clear evidence that compounds have antibacterial activity. 

The process of making our teat dip solution is the unique competitive advantage over other products, as it is a composite of natural ingredients, meets the norms of environmental regulations, and leaves non-toxic residues on teat ends. Indeed, udder care management includes proper housing, adequate teat preparation, and disinfection with germicidal teat dip for clean milk production, teat health, and disease control. The Ariviya udder care product is highly compatible with other preventive methods. It is user-friendly for the hired hands, incorporates eco-friendly ingredients, and effectively meets worldwide demands to meet the somatic cell counts(SCC) regulations and milk quality.

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